RWE Renewables

RWE’s extension of the wind farm Örken will increase the electricity production from renewable energy sources in Sweden

Construction site in a snowy forest with a yellow bulldozer moving dirt. Workers in safety gear observe the process.
  • Green energy for 4,700 households 
  • Two more wind turbines will be constructed and installed as an extension of the existing wind farm Örken in Halland, Sweden
  • The commissioning of the two WTGs is planned to take place in the summer 2023
  • RWE Renewables currently has a wide development portfolio in Sweden and the extension of the wind farm will contribute to meet the increased demand of electricity in southern Sweden 

Malmö, 26 January 2023

There is already an existing onshore wind farm that consists of 6 turbines (Vestas V112) that has been operating by RWE for some years. Örken, with a capacity of 18 MW was commissioned in 2012. RWE is now extending with two additional pieces of wind turbines (Vestas V136) that will provide an additional capacity of 8.4 MW (4.2 MW each). 

Frida Godet, Manager of Onshore Development in Sweden at RWE Renewables: “Every little helps and contributes to the green energy transition. These two additional turbines will generate green electricity equivalent to the annual demand of 4,700 Swedish households* and they are positioned in southern Sweden, where the electricity demand is the greatest.”

The project Örken is located outside of the village Torup in Halland, southwestern Sweden. RWE has an ownership perspective throughout the value-chain and has been present in the early stages of development and all the way to construction and operation. EON is the grid owner and the grid will be extended to the two new turbines.  

Frida Godet, Manager of Onshore Development in Sweden at RWE Renewables: “The expansion of Örken aligns with our strategy to increase the production of renewable energy in order to meet the increased demand of electricity. RWE Renewables is responsible for operating and maintaining onshore wind farms in Sweden with a total installed capacity of about 750 MW**. In our onshore development portfolio we have projects of more than 2,000 MW at different stages of development in Sweden.” 

The construction work at site will be finished in the in spring and the turbine installation will take place during the summer. 

Mats Ivarsson, Sales Manager, Pre-owned turbines at Vestas: “We are happy that RWE chose Pre-owned turbines for its expansion of the park. These Pre-owned turbines are made from completely refurbished parts that otherwise would have gone to recycling. The climate benefit will therefore be even greater than when buying completely new turbines. The entire park will also have a lifetime extension from 20 to 30 years, which also improves the climate footprint.”

*Based on 5000kWh/year per household
**RWE pro rata capacity more than 200 MW
