Facts about wind power and renewable energy

How wind energy benefits communities.

The many benefits of wind energy to communities

Wind power has great environmental advantages, while also providing economic growth – both locally and regionally. Jobs are created and local businesses benefit.

The environmental benefits

Every TWh of new electricity production from wind power in Sweden reduces greenhouse gas emissions by about 600,000 tons. This is regardless of whether the electricity is used to electrify the industry and transport sector in Sweden, or if it is exported to our neighboring countries where it replaces the use of coal and fossil fuels. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, new production of electricity from wind and solar power could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent in 2030 – as much as the climate impact of all of Europe.

A person with flowing hair stands outdoors against a clear blue sky, with wind turbines visible in the background.

Local jobs and tax revenue

New jobs are created both during the construction and the operation of a wind farm. RWE uses local workforce and entrepreneurs as much as possible. Municipalities and regions with a large production of cheap, green electricity from wind power also attract new businesses, leading to potentially more jobs and tax revenues.

An aerial view of a wind turbine under construction in a snowy forest landscape, with machinery and equipment visible.

Meets an increased need for electricity

The electricity consumption in Sweden is set to double until 2040, largely due to the  electrification of the industry and transport sectors that currently are responsible for two thirds of Sweden’s total emissions. Wind energy can be built quickly and thus meet the increased demand for electricity. It also helps to keep electricity prices down.

An electric vehicle charging station mounted on a wall inside a parking garage, with a silhouette of a silver car nearby.

Strengthens Europe's energy security

All renewable electricity reduces dependency on oil and gas. This is good for both national and European security.

A snowy landscape featuring wind turbines and a wind generator tower with a frosted door and staircase.

Part of the profit to the village

A wind farm creates benefits for everyone, but mainly impacts those who live and work in the area. We believe that people who live in the area should get a share of the profit that comes from the electricity produced. We would also like to see a clear regulation for such a provision that is predictable and equal for everyone regardless of which company develops the wind power and where in the country it takes place.

A man walks a dog along a dirt path through golden wheat fields, with wind turbines in the background and a blue sky.

Onshore wind power

We have an ownership perspective throughout the value chain, which makes us a long-term and stable actor for the transition to renewable electricity.

Our onshore business

Offshore wind power

Offshore wind power can be expanded on a large scale and has the added benefit of almost constant strong wind at sea.

More about offshore wind

head office

RWE Renewables Sweden AB

Pildammsvägen 6B, vån 2
211 46 Malmö